Welllllcome back to your favorite friendly neighborhood dorkathon. I am excited to be here, and again, if you’re liking what’s happening here, if you’re picking up what I’m putting down, if you’re okayI’llstop, there is a donate button in the top right corner of this page.
Also, if this is your first time here: I used to state my spoiler policy, which was that spoilers were present through the current episode, but nothing past there into the books or otherwise. Since we are in uncharted territory, I really don’t think I have much of a spoiler policy, other than like, watch the episode first.
Additionally, I normally divide up the action by location, and I will still try to do this, but some characters are migrating around, so I’m going to do my best to group this to my own satisfaction and complaints may be directed to the Arryns’ Moon Door. hashtagmyblogmyrules Continue Reading…